Simulations of resulting oil slick distributions have not yet bee

Simulations of resulting oil slick distributions have not yet been made, and there is still disagreement concerning scenario design and accuracy of models involved (both the oil dispersal and fate models and ocean models) [38]. Also criteria for selecting information for the impact assessments are not yet settled [30]. A reduction of the uncertainty associated with the probability of a worst-case scenario in the Lofoten area is not likely to be achievable, as it will require more experience with blowouts and control of all external factors, and their interactions, that contribute to a blowout. The experts in charge consider the data too poor for estimating confidence intervals

for the release rate and the duration [28]. With this in mind, the relevance of estimated probabilities should be questioned. Funtowicz and Ravetz [10] call science where uncertainty in the input data is suppressed selleck compound to avoid indeterminate output as ‘pseudo-science’. This produces meaningless numbers in the sense that it is unknown whether the number is correct or far off [10]. Substantial uncertainty necessitates assumptions to be made in order to produce quantities. The assumptions affect the resulting numbers and may

benefit a certain political decision, for example whether a risk is perceived as acceptable or not [39]. It is noteworthy Selleck BTK inhibitor that experts emphasise that the difference between blowout frequencies in the Gulf of Mexico and Norwegian waters is significant, while confidence intervals around

blowout related Unoprostone measures are considered unachievable because of uncertainty [28]. The implied uncertainty stands in stark contrast to the precision in the presented frequency numbers in the Management plan, where the uncertainty clearly lies in the first digit of for example once per 15,576 years [30]. Some of the other uncertainties listed in the previous section may be possible to reduce. For example, simulating oil releases from added sites can enrich our perception of the extent of polluted areas. However, uncertainty can be reduced only to a limited extent. Personal judgment and expert opinion will necessarily be a part of such risk assessments because they handle rare events in complex systems [40]. Simulation models for worst-case scenarios have been compared to fish larvae distributions since 1980 [41]. Only the most economically important fish stocks were considered. In the Lofoten area this is Northeast Arctic cod, the world’s most abundant cod stock [7]. The stock migrates from the Barents Sea to the Lofoten area to spawn [1]. Eggs and larvae drift with the coastal currents towards the Barents Sea, passing the narrow continental shelf where the promising petroleum fields are located [1]. The second fish stock of concern is Norwegian Spring Spawning herring, one of the largest fish stocks in the world.

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