We devised 10 mm sized ring type magnet (outdiameter:10 mm, india

We devised 10 mm sized ring type magnet (outdiameter:10 mm, indiameter:4 mm, thickness:3 mm, maximal magnetic force:2660 G) which was coated with silicon, and we tied loop using 3-0 nylon. We inserted the marking magnet near lesion with biopsy forcep, and then clipped magnet on target through loop of magnet. A magnetic marking clip was applied on the distal Palbociclib side of lesion during preoperative colonoscopy. During surgery, another magnetic body hanged with long thread which was inserted through laparoscopic trocar, was used to find out the lesion that was marked by magnetic clipping. We analyzed detection rate, detection time, resection margin length from lesion and complication. Results: 7 of 12 patients’ tumor

locations were on the rectum, 5 were on sigmoid colon. Tumor size ranged from 10 to 18 mm. Magnetic marking clips were successfully detected in all 12 patients. learn more The time required for detection ranged from 10 to 35 sec. The resection margin from lesion ranged from 40 to 50 mm. None of our patients experienced complication s from this marking technique. Conclusion: Magnetic marking technique was simple and convenient for surgeon,

and showed good result for accuracy of tumor localization without complication. Therefore, the magnetic marking clip method may be useful for colorectal tumor detection during laparoscopic surgery. And we expect that correct and simple method results in minimizing extent of colon resection. Key Word(s): 1. endoclip; 2. magnet; 3. laparoscopic surgery; Presenting Author: GERALD FILEU ROLLUQUI, MDVILLANUEVA ROLLUQUI Additional Authors: SANDEEP SHRESTHA, MDCHANDRA SHRESTHA, HIGINIO MAPPALA, MD, FPCP, FPSG, FPSDETIU MAPPALA Corresponding Author: SANDEEP SHRESTHA, selleck inhibitor MDCHANDRA SHRESTHA, HIGINIO MAPPALA, MD, FPCP, FPSG, FPSDETIU MAPPALA Affiliations: Philippine Society of Gastroenterology Objective: Several

studies within the last decade have shown a progressive decline in eradication rates for Helicobacter Pylori (HP), particularly in our country, which may be due to the increasing antimicrobial drug resistance to clarithromycin (12%) and metronidazole (46%). Amoxicillin resistance remains to be very low (<1%). Thus, this study was done to evaluate the cure rates of triple regimens containing either clarithromycin or levofloxacin in our local patient population. This is to further determine whether the combination of Omeprazole + Amoxicillin + Clarithromycin (group 1) is as effective as the standard treatment regimen of Omeprazole + Amoxicillin + Levofloxacin (Group 2) in patients with HP infection and may be considered as a first-line HP eradication regimen. Methods: The study involved a systematic search of randomized control trials using either Clarithromycin or Levofloxacin as part of the triple regimen for the eradication of H. Pylori on local subjects. A comparative meta-analysis was done.

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