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“Background Vibrio cholerae is a human pathogen. However, “”cholera bacilli”" are also normal members of aquatic environments where they live in association with the chitinous exoskeleton of zooplankton (e.g. copepods) and their molts [1]. The genome sequence of V. cholerae [2] as well as comparative genomic hybridization experiments have revealed evidence for gene acquisition via horizontal gene transfer [3–6]. Furthermore, analysis of the genome of another aquatic Vibrio, Megestrol Acetate Vibrio vulnificus YJ016, revealed a high degree of sequence identity to non-Vibrio bacteria, which again led to the conclusion that these sequences were horizontally acquired [7]. A recent study showed that V. cholerae gains natural competence upon growth on chitin surfaces [8]. Natural competence enables these bacteria to take up free DNA from the environment in order to incorporate it into their genome. Blokesch and Schoolnik demonstrated that the whole O1 specific antigen cluster (size of ~32 kb) of V. cholerae O1 El Tor can be exchanged either by the O37- (size of ~23 kb) or by the O139-specific antigen cluster (size of ~42 kb) by means of chitin-induced natural competence [9].

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