, Ltd., Korea), each with 3 photoperiods, 12/12, 18/6, and 24/0 (Light/Dark). An irradiance spectrum analysis showed that FL has various peaks in the 400-700 nm range,
while WL #1 and WL #2 have only one monochromatic peak at 450 and 550 nm, respectively. The greatest plant height, fresh and dry weights were obtained in the 24/0 (Light/Dark) photoperiod. The 24/0 (Light/Dark) photoperiod treatment promoted vegetative growth of LDK378 the leaf area. Length of the longest root, number of leaves, fresh weight, and total anthocyanin contents were greater in FL than in either WL #1 or #2. The greatest chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) was found in the 12/12 (Light/Dark) photoperiod with FL treatment. The energy use efficiency of the LED increased by about 35-46% as compared to FL. Results suggest a possibility of LED being used as a substitute light source for fluorescent GW4869 supplier lamp for lettuce cultivation in a plant factory system.”
“We report on the development of a sensitive real-time assay
for monitoring the activity of L-asparaginase that hydrolyzes L-asparagine to L-aspartate and ammonia. In this method, L-aspartate is oxidized by L-aspartate oxidase to iminoaspartate and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and in the detection step horseradish peroxidase uses H2O2 to convert the colorless, nonfluorescent reagent Amplex Red to the red-colored and highly fluorescent product resorufin. The assay was validated in both the absorbance and NVP-AUY922 datasheet the fluorescence modes. We show that, due to its high sensitivity and substrate selectivity, this assay can be used to measure enzymatic activity in human serum containing L-asparaginase. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Purpose To eliminate the toxicities and sequelae of cranial irradiation (CrRT) and to minimize the adverse impact of traumatic lumbar puncture (TLP) with blasts, a prospective study of a modified CNS-directed therapy was conducted in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Patients and Methods Since June 1999, children with newly diagnosed ALL have been treated with triple intrathecal therapy (TIT) alone
without CrRT. The first TIT was delayed until the disappearance of blasts from peripheral blood (PB) for up to 10 days of multidrug induction, and CrRT was omitted in all patients. If PB blasts persisted on treatment day 10 (d10), the TIT was then performed. Results Of a total of 156 patients, 152 were eligible. Seventeen patients did not have PB blasts at diagnosis. Three fourths of the remaining patients achieved complete clearance of PB blasts by d10. Only hyperleukocytosis at diagnosis showed a significantly lower clearance rate. Six standard-risk patients were upgraded to high risk because of detectable PB blasts on d10. TLPs were encountered in four patients (2.6%), but none were contaminated with lymphoblasts.