15, 16 Accumulating evidence suggests that the formation of apoB1

15, 16 Accumulating evidence suggests that the formation of apoB100-BLp17 and apoB48-BLp18, 19 is accomplished sequentially. The two-step model

postulates that the initial product is a primordial particle, formed during apoB translation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is clear that microsomal TG transfer protein is involved in the early stage (first step) of apoB lipidation. However, the mechanism involved in the later stage (second step) is still not well understood. We have unexpectedly found that PLTP deficiency causes a significant impairment in hepatic secretion of VLDL.20 Likewise, it has been reported that animals overexpressing PLTP exhibit hepatic LBH589 VLDL overproduction.21 Associations of plasma PLTP activity with elevated apoB levels22 have been found in humans, as well. In a recent study, Masson et al.23 found that human PLTP transgenic rabbits showed a significant increase of BLp, but not of HDL cholesterol, in the circulation. These animals demonstrated increased atherosclerotic lesions after a high-fat diet feeding compared with controls. Luminespib in vivo Nevertheless, the surprising discovery that PLTP

affects BLp secretion from the liver must be explored fully. The liver is one of the major sites of lipoprotein production and degradation, as well as PLTP expression. To investigate the role of PLTP in lipoproteins homeostasis, we initially planned to prepare a liver-specific KO mouse model using the Cre-Loxp system under the control of an albumin promoter. Finally, we created a unique mouse model that expresses PLTP acutely and specifically in the liver, with a PLTP-null background. We studied lipoprotein metabolism, VLDL secretion, and VLDL lipidation in these animals, concluding that liver PLTP-mediated VLDL production is one of the driving forces for plasma lipoprotein metabolism. AdV, adenovirus; apo, apolipoprotein; BLp, apoB-containing lipoproteins; CETP, this website cholesteryl ester transfer protein; ER, endoplasmic reticulum;

FPLC, fast protein liquid chromatography; GFP, green fluorescent protein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; KO, knockout; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PERPP, post-ER presecretory proteolysis; PLTP, phospholipid transfer protein; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; TG, triglycerides; TLC, thin-layer chromatography; VLDL, very low-density lipoprotein; WT, wild-type. To prepare PLTP-Flox mice, a 9.16-kb region used to construct the targeting vector was first subcloned from a positively identified C57BL/6 (RPCI23) BAC clone. The region was designed so that the short homology arm extended about 1.68 kb (3′ to exon 3), and the long homology arm extended about 6.85 kb (5′ to exon 2). The loxP and FRT double-flanked Neo cassette was inserted on the 3′ side of exon 3, and the single loxP site was inserted at the 5′ side of exon 2. (Fig. 1A). All mice used in this study were aged 12-16 weeks, with a C57BL/6J genetic background.

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