, 2008), the complete genome of GGSE (AP010935), and GCSD fish isolates. Genes that encode virulence traits are often associated with mobile genetic elements such as IS elements that recruit foreign genes. Moreover, IS can contribute to genetic rearrangements such as translocation, duplication, inversion, and
deletion (Vasi et al., 2000; Bongers et al., 2003; De Visser et al., 2004). The disseminations of IS981 and PD0325901 datasheet IS1161 in various isolates of streptococci collected from different sources suggested that recombination and horizontal gene transfer events might occur in these species. IS can also form compound transposons by flanking other genes to promote the horizontal gene transfer of virulence genes. It may be possible that IS981SC, IS1161, and spegg are the remnants of a compound transposon. Sachse et al. (2002) reported that the origin of spegg in S. pyogenes might be S. dysgalactiae ssp. equisimilis via horizontal gene transfer. Interestingly, the nucleotide sequence of pig isolate of GCSE PAGU657 revealed a deletion mutation at the supposed site of IS981SC insertion. IS981SC was found to mediate L. lactis mutations, including simple insertions of IS981SC into new sites of bacterial genome and recombinational IS981SC deletion from the bacterial genome (De Visser et al., 2004). This finding might explain
the five-nucleotide deletion mutation of GCSE (PAGU657) at the supposed insertion site of IS981SC, suggesting that IS981SC may contribute to virulence. The deletion and insertion mutations may contribute to the evolution of bacterial pathogenesis and selleck compound could promote recipient pathogen virulence. The present study also revealed that sagA was
also present in all of the GCSD fish isolates using the primer pair sagaF and sagaR, and the sequenced fragments revealed no difference between the predicted amino acids sequences of the sagA gene extracted from fish isolate (AB520742) and that extracted from S. dysgalactiae ssp. equisimilis (AY033399) (data not shown). Woo et al. (2003) reported that the sagA gene was identified in α-hemolytic GGSE. Immunological studies have recently provided convincing evidence that sagA is the structural gene that encodes streptolysin S. This gene was considered to be a factor contributing to the pathogenesis O-methylated flavonoid of streptococcal necrotizing soft tissue infection (Humar et al., 2002) and to the virulence potential of S. iniae infection in fish (Locke et al., 2007). Our findings indicate that α-hemolytic fish GCSD isolates carried some virulence genes that may be responsible for S. dysgalactiae ssp. equisimilis virulence and pathogenesis. Therefore, α-hemolytic fish GCSD isolates should not be disregarded as putative infectious disease agents in humans and mammals. The authors are grateful to Dr Lauke Labrie, head of the aquatic animal health team of Schering-Plough Animal Health, Singapore, for kindly providing S. dysgalactiae isolates.