above) is by no means exhaustive and that for this particular case, the correct binding pose could not be identified. Most of these compounds bind to proteins with large binding pockets, such as hERG, LXR, PPARγ and CYP3A4. On the other hand, compounds predicted too strongly ( Fig. 4: points above the diagonal) might trigger an induced fit that has been simulated but could not be appropriately quantified. Other factors of uncertainty include entropic effects and the quantification ERK inhibitor mouse of protein-bound solvent released upon ligand binding. A final source of inaccuracy
may stem from the sampling of a compound’s representations in aqueous solution (software Aquarius). While currently the 25 energetically most favorable conformations (obtained from conformational sampling employing an implicit solvent model; software MacroModel), are optimized in explicit solvent, they may not include all relevant representations. We modified the protocol to include 100 conformers (requiring approximately 2–4 extra CPU hours per compound) but, unfortunately,
with only minimal benefit. The philosophy underlying selleck products the VirtualToxLab is to estimate the toxic potential of a compound through the normalized individual binding affinities towards a series of protein models known or suspected to trigger adverse effects. The result is a value ranging from 0.0 (none) to 1.0 (extreme), which may be interpreted as a toxicity alert. In a first step, the individual binding affinities are normalized for each individual target protein according to Eq. (1). equation(1) affinity>1.0×10−2M→affinitynorm=0.01.0×10−2M≥1.0×10−10M→affinitynorm=[log(1.0×10−2)−log(affinity)][log(1.0×10−10)−log(1.0×10−2)]affinity<1.0×10−10M→affinitynorm=1.0}Next, the individual toxic potential, TPindividual, is calculated, again for each individual target protein (Eq.
(2)): equation(2) TPindividual=affinitynormalized×weightstandarddeviationTPindividual=affinitynormalized×weightstandarddeviationwith Epothilone B (EPO906, Patupilone) weightstandarddeviation = 1.0–0.125 × (standard deviation/affinity); standard deviation over the 12 (24) models and therein: 0.125 = 1/ΔpKmin,max (ΔpKmin,max = 8.0: affinity range from 1.0 × 10−2 M to 1.0 × 10−10 M). Therefrom, the overall toxic potential (TPoverall) is determined as follows: first, the 16 TPindividual are ranked by their value. Then, their contribution to the TPoverall is summed up according to Eq. (3). equation(3) TPoverall=∑n=116(1.0−TPoverall,current)×TPindividual,n×Wsuperfamilywith wsuper family = 1.0/n (n: nth member of a super family). To avoid substantial TPs resulting from high affinities to evolutionary similar protein targets (e.g., ERα and ERβ), a correcting weight, wsuperfamily, is applied. It decreases the contribution for the nth member to the TP.