For the test in which there was a reference PTV, only one of thes

For the test in which there was a reference PTV, only one of these five cases was analyzed (the second of the five cases shown in Figs. 8a and 9a), and so only a single interval is shown in each region. The raw data points associated with the data

derived from manual contours are hidden to highlight the relationship between the special case (marked by the “▴” symbol) in which the test involved the Raw TES PTV or its derived plan, with the distribution of manual variability (i.e., using the Raw TES PTV or its derived plan instead of the manual PTV or its derived plan, in each test). Extensive interobserver and intercase variability of the V100 in the anterior base, anterior apex, posterior base, and posterior apex and of the CI100 in the apex is noticeable. It is clear

from the figures that in most of the examined situations, the impact on dosimetric quality resulting from using the TES algorithm is indistinguishable from the mean impact expected when using another observer’s contours. In many cases where the impact is not within this range, the degradation is less pronounced when using TES contours than its manual alternatives. A one-way analysis of variance test confirmed that in most regions of the prostate in the test of a reference plan (Figs. 8a and 9a), the dose distribution accuracy of the plans created on Raw TES PTVs, in terms of the V100 parameter, was better than, or indistinguishable from, that of the manual distribution. The exceptions are NVP-BKM120 in the anterior base and anterior midregions in three of the five cases (p < 0.05). In terms of the CI100, the TES results are superior in almost all regions of the prostate for all five cases (p < 0.05) with the exceptions of the anterior base in two cases and the midposterior and posterior apex sectors in another. For the tests in which there was a reference PTV ( Figs. 8b and 9b), most TES results are either superior to or fall within the manual variability of the manual results. The exceptions Celecoxib are in the

anterior base for the V100 and in the anterior base and midposterior sectors for the CI100. It is clear from the figures that the dose parameters computed from overlaying the reference treatment plan on contours from different observers greatly differs from overlaying their plans on the reference treatment contour (compare Figs. 8b and 9b with the second of the five cases in Figs. 8a and 9a). For this case, the V100 values in Fig. 8b are in general less than those in Fig. 8a. However, the opposite is observed for the CI100 values in Fig. 9. This was expected because the RO who created the reference treatment plan for this case tends to create larger PTV’s. Thus, the plans created on the other ROs’ contours cannot completely cover the reference treatment PTV resulting in lower V100 coverage. However, the reference plan created on the relatively large PTV, when overlaid on other ROs’ manual contours, will result in overdose.

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