The current class I study is consistent with this interpretation. We continue to recommend that interventions intended to reduce the extent of damaged visual fields should be considered a Practice Option (see table 3). The task force previously identified
the need for class I studies to improve complex visuospatial abilities required for functional activities (eg, driving). In the current review, one class I study suggests limited benefit from targeting visual attention deficits skills and the need for specific, functional skill training to improve driving ability after stroke.18 We reviewed 6 class I36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 or Ia41 studies, 3 class II studies,42, 43 and 44 and 32 class III studies45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 and 76 in the area of cognitive-linguistic rehabilitation. As in past reviews, most of the studies involved persons with stroke, although 4 of the class I studies investigated interventions for communication deficits resulting
from TBI.38, 39, 40 and 41 One class I study36 examined whether the amount of speech and BGB324 language therapy influenced recovery from aphasia after a single, first stroke. Participants were randomly allocated to receive either intensive therapy (5h/wk) or standard therapy (2h/wk); an additional group of patients were clinically assigned to standard therapy. There was no effect of therapy intensity on a standardized assessment of aphasia, although few of the patients in the intensive therapy condition could tolerate the prescribed therapy, and only 80% received the prescribed treatment. Of interest, there was a significant difference between IKBKE the 2 standard treatment
groups, which may have reflected the amount of treatment actually received (averaging 1.6 vs 0.6h/wk). The authors posited that there may be a critical threshold of treatment intensity required to improve acute recovery after stroke, and emphasized the need for future research to address the optimal timing for starting intensive therapy after acute stroke. Two class II42 and 43 studies addressed the intensity of aphasia treatment after stroke. One study42 suggests that the effectiveness of contextually-based language treatment may not depend on therapy intensity. The second study43 compared constraint-induced aphasia therapy with constraint-induced aphasia therapy combined with additional training in everyday communication. There was greater improvement in communication effectiveness among participants who received additional communication exercises. One class I study37 investigated the effects of semantic versus phonologic treatment on verbal communication in 55 patients with aphasia after left hemisphere stroke.