The details on how to decompose the static and averaged dipolar p

The details on how to decompose the static and averaged dipolar patterns can be found in Ref. [48]. Since the multi-Gaussian AW approach just relies on the

second moments, we only provide the second moments of the decomposed spectrum in each case treated herein. Fig. 8 shows the spectral decomposition for the case of CH3CH3 groups. In all cases, the pre-averaging of the dipolar coupling due to fast Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor rotation of the 1H about the C3 symmetry axis was considered. The rigid limit pattern Fig. 8a can be decomposed into eight spectral components corresponding to the proton spins configurations (↑,↑,↑),(↑,↑,↓),(↓,↓,↑),(↓,↓,↓) plus the permutation of the spin states which independently of the motional regime always renders the same patterns. Thus, despite having 8 spectral components, there are only two different second moments M2LT=39.75×108(rad/s)2 and M2LT=4.43×108(rad/s)2. Considering CH3CH3 groups executing two-site jumps with reorientation angle of 109°109°, as in dimethyl sulfone (DMS) molecule, the average tensor is not symmetric, but can be decomposed in only two inequivalent components. For CH3CH3 groups executing three-site jumps

with reorientation angle of 109°109° (TMSI geometry), the tensors average to eight symmetric components again with only two different second moments. In both geometries, either in the rigid or the fast limit, the ratio between the second moments of the two inequivalent tensor components is 9, which is a consequence of all three tensors being uniaxially pre-averaged and colinear, resulting in a factor 3 in the D   BMS354825 values. This shows that also for CH3CH3 groups only two Gaussian components suffice for the AW treatment. In conclusion, the above discussion shows that for the relevant spin configurations, the maximum Sulfite dehydrogenase number of Gaussian local fields needed for the AW treatment is two, standing for a general two-Gaussian AW approach

for describing the effects of motions in SInSIn separated local field experiments. In order to adapt Eq. (4) to a double-Gaussian approximation for the local field, one needs to evaluate the NMR signal for a given local field distribution P(ω,t)P(ω,t) at a given time t. In this case, the NMR signal can be described by the following expression [40]: equation(7) St=∫-∞∞exp(iωt)P(ω,t)dω.Assuming the local-field distribution to be composed of 2 independent components this becomes: equation(8) St=12∫-∞∞exp(iωt)∑j=12Pj(ω,t)dω.Therefore, the full signal is simply written as: equation(9) St=12∑j=12Sj(t). In practice, Eq. (9) implies that the AW-based fitting function for tCtC-recDIPSHIFT considering a two-component local field is the sum of a set of 2 signals Sj(t)Sj(t) obtained according to Eq. (4), with the second moment of each component M2HT and M2LT calculated according to the rules of Terao et al. for the decomposition of dipolar fields [48]. Fig.

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