The flies remained in a 32°C incubator at 70% humidity for a predefined period. In all cases, flies were returned to 23°C at least 15 min prior to a retrieval test. Cold-shock experiments were performed by transferring trained flies to a precooled glass vial in an ice-water bath (∼0°C).
The flies were anesthetized almost immediately and remained in the bath for 2 min and then returned to a food vial at 23°C. Appetitive olfactory memory experiments were performed as described (Krashes and Waddell, 2008). Briefly, flies were first starved for 16–24 hr prior to appetitive training on 0.8% nonnutritive agar. The CS+ and CS− odors and their concentrations were as described above for aversive conditioning. Flies were first exposed to the CS− odor for 2 min in Capmatinib cell line a tube containing a dry filter paper previously saturated with water followed by 30 s of air. The flies were then transferred to a second tube containing a dry filter paper previously saturated with a 2 M sucrose solution and exposed for 2 min to a second odor (CS+). After conditioning, flies were maintained in nonnutritive agar vials at either
23°C or 32°C. Memory testing was performed as described above following aversive conditioning. Acquisition curves for Canton-S and damb mutants were conducted as follows. Flies were exposed to 1, 2, 3, 6, or 12 shock pulses evenly distributed over 1 min of CS+ exposure such that the last shock pulse (or the only shock pulse) was always given at the last 1.25 s of odor exposure. After 30 s of air and the 1 min CS− exposure, flies were immediately tested for memory recall. Reversal-learning experiments were conducted by training with an odor-pair contingency (for example, CS+ = OCT, CS− = MCH), waiting 1 min, training
to the reverse odor-pair contingency (for example, CS+ = MCH, CS− = OCT), and immediately testing memory why performance. If flies remember both contingencies equally, then one expects a PI of zero, while a positive PI would suggest a stronger memory performance with respect to the reversal contingency. Odor avoidance tests were conducted by allowing naive flies to choose for 2 min in a T maze between an odor on one side and fresh air on the other. An avoidance index is calculated as the ([number of flies in fresh air arm] – [number of flies in odor arm]) / (number of flies in both arms). Shock avoidance tests were conducted by allowing naive flies to choose for 2 min in a T maze between one arm containing an electrified copper grid (same as used for training above) and the other arm containing a nonelectrified copper grid. The side that is electrified is alternated to account for any side-to-side T maze bias. TH-gal4 virgin females were crossed to male UAS-GCaMP3.0, UAS-RFP flies.