42, p = 0.03) ( Figure 3). No participant consistently achieved the minimum level of health-enhancing physical activity recommended in current guidelines. Overall, participants were relatively inactive taking a median of 398 (IQR 140 to 993) steps per day and spending 8 (IQR 3 to see more 16) minutes walking per day. In comparison to activity guidelines for healthy older adults (Nelson et al 2007, WHO 2011) or to activity levels of older adults living in the community (Grant et al 2010, Smith et al 2008) or even to physical activity levels of adults in the community living
with disability (Tudor-Locke et al 2009) the levels of physical activity completed in inpatient orthopaedic rehabilitation were low. Despite the very low levels of activity observed in our study, it is possible that current physical activity guidelines for older adults may not be appropriate for
inpatients receiving rehabilitation. It should be considered whether it is unreasonable to expect inpatients in rehabilitation to be physically active at a moderate intensity for 30 minutes each day. Currently there are no recommendations on the amount of physical activity inpatients in rehabilitation should complete to improve function and prepare for discharge, although it is recommended that they should be as physically active ‘as their abilities and conditions allow’ VRT752271 cost (WHO 2011). This makes it difficult to determine whether the activity level in the current study is considered to be adequate. Physical activity guidelines for people in rehabilitation, who are recovering from a lower limb orthopaedic condition, would need to consider factors such as pain, fatigue, fear of falling, and feeling unwell (Capdevila et al 2006), all of which may make it more difficult to be physically active. However, in other rehabilitation Cytidine deaminase populations, for example patients recovering from a cardiac event, 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity daily can be applied safely during inpatient rehabilitation (Hirschhorn
et al 2008). Physical activity has a direct dose-response relationship with health outcomes (Schnohr et al 2003, Wen et al 2011). Following hip fracture, higher activity levels during therapy correlated with better functional outcomes (Talkowski et al 2009). Similarly, following knee arthroplasty, greater completion of independent home exercises correlated with better functional outcomes (Franklin et al 2006). In our study, physical activity during inpatient rehabilitation was significantly correlated with a reduced length of stay and higher functional levels at discharge. At very low levels of physical activity (less than 398 steps per day) length of stay was higher and there was no correlation between physical activity and functional gains per day. When participants were more active than this they had shorter length of stay and there were significant correlations with functional gains per day.