, 2012) Our results obtained on the in vivo firing patterns of i

, 2012). Our results obtained on the in vivo firing patterns of identified bistratified and O-LM cells, taken together with results on PV+ basket (Lapray et al., 2012 and Varga et al., 2012) and axoaxonic cells (Viney et al., 2013) demonstrate that, on average, during each cycle of the theta oscillations, inhibition is redistributed from the axon initial segment through

Talazoparib supplier the soma to the progressively more distal dendrites of pyramidal cells, thus governing the repeated cycles of mnemonic processing such as memory encoding and retrieval in the hippocampal “chronocircuit” (Cutsuridis and Hasselmo, 2012, Dupret et al., 2013 and Hasselmo et al., 2002). We hypothesize that the effect of these interneurons will be different on repeatedly firing versus silent pyramidal cells. Similarly, during SWRs, inhibition is redistributed by increased GABA release to the soma and CA3-innervated parts of the dendritic tree, while it is withdrawn from the axon initial segment (Viney et al., PF-02341066 research buy 2013) and the entorhinal input zone of the dendrites, as shown here. All procedures on animals were approved by the UK Home Office and by the Animal Care and Use Committees of the University of Oxford and of the Medical University, Vienna. Data reported are from nine male Sprague-Dawley rats (375–565 g; 2.8–5.3 months) recorded between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (see Supplemental

Information). Implantations of the head-mounted recording setup, craniotomies, and duratomies were performed using analgesic and antibiotic treatments as reported in Lapray et al. (2012) (see Supplemental Information). Procedures were carried out as reported in Lapray et al. (2012). Rats were anesthetized briefly by isoflurane and connected to the recording setup. One hour after recovery, recordings oxyclozanide commenced using a glass electrode (Figure S1B) filled with neurobiotin (1.5% or 3%, w/v, in 0.5 M NaCl). After recording and juxtacellularly labeling a cell, the rat was deeply anesthetized and perfusion fixed 1–3 hr later (see Supplemental Information). Following the criteria defined

in Lapray et al. (2012) (Figure 4), recording sessions have been segmented according to movement, sleep, and quiet wakefulness. We have detected and analyzed theta oscillatory epochs (5–12 Hz), SWRs (130–230 Hz), and LOSC using Spike2 and MATLAB (Wavelet Toolbox, v7.9-R2009b, MathWorks). For a given cell type, we quantified the mean depth of theta modulation and the preferential mean theta phase of firing (circular mean ± circular SD) from individual cells using circular statistics and compared the preferred theta phase angles of different types of interneurons (see Supplemental Information). We have developed an analysis in order to reveal the variability (e.g., cells being silent on some SWRs but firing with rates above average on others) in firing of single neurons during individual SWRs.

38, p << 0 001, Spearman rank correlation), and their means were

38, p << 0.001, Spearman rank correlation), and their means were not significantly different (vestibular: 0.035 ± 0.014 SEM, visual: 0.039 ± 0.015, p > 0.8, paired t test). Thus, to gain statistical power, we recomputed rnoise by pooling z-scored responses across stimulus conditions, thereby obtaining a single value of rnoise for each pair of neurons. As observed in other visual areas (Huang and Lisberger, 2009 and Smith and Kohn, 2008), noise correlations depended on the distance between two simultaneously recorded MSTd neurons, as illustrated in Figure S1, which shows distributions of rnoise for three distance groups: <0.05 mm, 0.05–1 mm, and

>1 mm. Average noise correlations were significantly greater than zero for the first MK0683 two groups (<0.05 mm: 0.042 ± 0.021 SEM, p = 0.049, t test; 0.05–1 mm: 0.062 ± 0.024, p = 0.011), but not for the group of distant pairs

(>1 mm: 0 ± 0.15, p = 0.9). Thus, the following analyses were focused on 127 neuronal pairs separated by <1 mm (results were similar for the whole data set). Our main goal was to examine whether training modifies FK228 interneuronal correlations. Five animals were previously trained to perform a heading discrimination task, in which they reported whether their heading was leftward or rightward relative to straight ahead (Gu et al., 2007 and Gu et al., 2008a). These monkeys’ heading discrimination thresholds (corresponding to 84% correct) were high (>10°) at early stages of training, and gradually decreased to a plateau of only a few degrees (1∼3°), as illustrated in Figure 2A (Fetsch et al., 2009, Gu et al., 2007 and Gu et al., 2008a). We measured noise correlations after these “trained” animals had reached asymptotic performance, and we compared them MRIP with correlations measured in three “naive” animals

that had never been trained to perform any task other than visual fixation. Our most conspicuous finding was a difference in mean rnoise between trained and naive animals (Figure 2B). Correlations in trained animals were shifted toward zero, as compared with those in naive animals. The mean noise correlation in the trained group (0.023 ± 0.017 SEM, n = 89) was significantly smaller than that for naive animals (0.116 ± 0.031, n = 38, p = 0.006, t test). Note that, for both groups of animals, rnoise was measured during an identical passive fixation task (see Experimental Procedures). Because the stimulus was dynamic (Figure 1A, gray curve), we examined the time course of noise correlation in trained and naive animals by computing rnoise in 500 ms sliding windows (with 50 ms steps). As illustrated in Figure 2C, rnoise was significantly greater in naive than trained animals throughout the time course of the neural response (p = 0.002, permutation test, see Experimental Procedures).

Each recording period consisted of 10 min of spontaneous activity

Each recording period consisted of 10 min of spontaneous activity, followed by 20 min of tactile stimulation, and then another 10 min of spontaneous activity. The tactile stimulation consisted of 600 repetitions of 1 s stimulation at 20 Hz followed GS-7340 chemical structure by 1 s

without stimulation. The tactile stimulator consisted of a plastic rod attached at one end to a membrane of a speaker controlled by a computer. The other end of the rod was placed in contact with left hind limb. For auditory stimulation in anesthetized animals, the time course of experimental protocol was similar to that for tactile experiments in S1, and it is illustrated in Figures 5A–5D. After 10 min of recording spontaneous activity, tones were presented for 0.5 s interspersed with 1 s of silence. This timing allowed for more off-to-on transitions of tones, which evoked the greatest response than would be possible with the same period using tones of 1 s duration. Thus, 800 repetitions of tone stimuli were presented in the 20 min

stimulation period. For each experimental condition, we used a different tone frequency during stimulation (urethane only: 1 kHz; tail pinch or carbachol: 1.5 kHz; amphetamine: 2.2 kHz; MK801: 3.2 kHz). For experiments with awake, head-restrained rats, auditory stimulation was presented for over 40 min in each animal. The pattern of stimulation consisted of repetitions of tones for 1 s followed by 1 s of silence. Activity occurring 200 ms after stimulus offset and before the next stimulus onset was regarded as spontaneous. Stimuli consisted of pure tones tapered at the beginning and the end with a 5 ms cosine window. In Apoptosis Compound Library clinical trial data sets from awake animals, we did not have extended spontaneous periods these preceding or following stimulation period. Experiments took place in a single-walled sound isolation chamber (IAC) with tones presented free-field (RP2/ES1, Tucker-Davis). In order to quantify temporal relations among neurons, we calculated the mean spike latency as described previously (Luczak et al., 2009). Briefly, for each neuron, latency

is defined as the center of mass of a cross-correlogram of that neuron with the summed activity of all other simultaneously recorded cells (multiunit activity [MUA]) within a time window of 100 ms (Figure 2A). Before calculating the center of mass, cross-correlograms were smoothed with a Gaussian kernel with SD = 5 ms and normalized between zero and one to discard effects of baseline activity. Thus, this measure estimates the time when the corresponding neuron is most likely to fire with respect to the population activity. In addition to analysis of cross-correlograms between single neurons and multiunit activity as described above, we also calculated latency from pair-wise cross-correlograms to look at temporal relations between neurons in more details (Figures 2E, white bars, and 6F–6O).

These questions are not only central to studies of channels from

These questions are not only central to studies of channels from “classically” investigated types, such as VGICs, LGICs, and glutamate receptors, but are even more pressing for less well-understood

channels built on alternative trimeric scaffolds, such as P2X receptors (Jiang et al., 2013) and ASICs (Wemmie et al., 2013), and channels that respond to temperature C646 clinical trial (Nilius and Owsianik, 2011) and mechanical force (Coste et al., 2012, Kim et al., 2012 and Yan et al. 2013). A beautiful illustration of the iterative nature of scientific progress on ion channels and of the way that new methods enable definitive experiments to be done is the story of voltage sensing. Having resolved the voltage-dependent sodium and potassium conductances selleck chemicals in voltage-clamp studies in the 1940s and 1950s, Hodgkin and Huxley simulated the complex dynamics by which the conducting devices of the squid giant axon membrane turn on and off to generate the action

potential (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952). They recognized that to sense voltage the devices needed to have a charge (perhaps an ion captured from solution) in the plane of the membrane that would be displaced inward and outward by changes in the membrane electric field. It took 20 years until Armstrong and Bezanilla measured the very small current that is generated by the motion of this “gating charge” (Armstrong and Bezanilla, 1973). While evidence accumulated over the years that the conducting devices are made of protein, it

took the invention of single-channel patch-clamp recording (Hamill et al., 1981) to show that the mechanism of conduction through the best-known conductors was too fast for a transporter and must be flux through a pore (Hille, 2001). The cloning of the first voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels in the mid- to late 1980s led to the discovery of the strange S4 segment, the only Parvulin sequence motif similarity between sodium and potassium channels: a repeat with several arginine residues spaced at intervals of three, interspersed with hydrophobic amino acids. Perhaps this was the voltage sensor? It would mean that S4 would have to sit in the membrane and slide through it in response to voltage change. The few structures available for membrane proteins at the time had shown that membrane segments tended to be α helices oriented perpendicular to the membrane plane. These examples led Catterall, Guy, and Seetharamulu to postulate that the arginine side chains of S4 curl around the helix with the pitch similar to the red stripe on a barbershop pole. This arrangement would then allow S4 to turn in a screw-like motion and permit each arginine to replace its predecessor as the S4 helix traversed the membrane (Catterall, 1986 and Guy and Seetharamulu, 1986). Neuron was born when site-directed mutagenesis and functional analysis promised to nail down the molecular mechanism of voltage sensing. The obvious first thing to try was to neutralize S4 arginines.

These results favor the idea that HBL-1 acts autonomously in both

These results favor the idea that HBL-1 acts autonomously in both VD and DD neurons. HBL-1 expression could reprogram VD neurons to adopt the DD cell fate, Pictilisib thereby causing ectopic expression of the remodeling program. This scenario seems unlikely because bidirectional changes in hbl-1 expression produce corresponding shifts in the timing of DD plasticity. If HBL-1 were inducing the DD cell fate, we would not expect HBL-1 expression to bidirectionally alter the timing

of DD remodeling. HBL-1 activity could accelerate DD remodeling by regulating expression of factors that directly mediate synapse elimination and formation. Finally, HBL-1 could be part of a timing mechanism that dictates when remodeling occurs. The effects of UNC-55 orthologs (COUP-TFs and Sevenup) and an

HBL-1 ortholog (Hb) on developmental timing in flies and mice provide support for HBL-1 function as part of a conserved timing mechanism. Ultimately, identifying the relevant HBL-1 transcriptional Quizartinib in vivo targets will be required to distinguish between these models. Many aspects of early neuronal development are regulated by microRNAs (e.g., neuronal fate determination, neural tube closure, and mitotic exit) (Fineberg et al., 2009 and Fiore et al., 2008). microRNAs have also been implicated in the functional plasticity of mature circuits (Fineberg et al., 2009, Fiore et al., 2008 and Simon et al., 2008). Our results show that microRNAs play an important role in restricting when plasticity

occurs during development. In particular, we show that miR-84 regulates the timing of DD plasticity, and that it does so by regulating hbl-1. The Drosophila microRNA Let-7 plays a similar role in dictating the timing of NMJ growth during larval development ( Sokol et al., 2008 and Caygill and Johnston, 2008). It is interesting that Let-7 and miR-84 are paralogs that bind to related seed sequences in target mRNAs. Thus, Let-7 microRNAs (and their targets) represent an ancient mechanism for determining the timing of circuit development. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of our results is that the timing of DD plasticity is regulated by activity. Etomidate Mutations increasing and decreasing circuit activity had opposite effects on the timing of DD plasticity. These results are significant because they suggest that DD plasticity (and other forms of genetically programmed plasticity) and activity-dependent circuit refinement are not necessarily distinct processes, and may utilize similar genetic pathways. In this context, it is noteworthy that all of the genetic factors we identify (UNC-55/COUP-TF, HBL-1, and miR-84) are conserved in vertebrates, and vertebrate orthologs are all expressed in the CNS. It will be interesting to see if these molecules also play a role in refining vertebrate circuits. Several forms of plasticity are triggered by changes in the activity of the postsynaptic targets.

Images were acquired at depths between 50 and 100 μm into the bra

Images were acquired at depths between 50 and 100 μm into the brain slice in order to avoid unhealthy tissue at more superficial depths. SR-101 and NADH epifluorescence were separated by a dichroic mirror reflecting wavelengths below 510 nm. The NADH signal was collected with an external photomultiplier tube (PMT) detector after passing through a 450 nm (30 nm band pass) emission filter, while SR-101 was collected by a separate PMT after passing through 630 nm (60 nm band pass). The laser power necessary for NADH excitation was ∼30 mW (after the objective). To reduce photo damage, we acquired a single NADH image every 30 s, which provided a stable NADH baseline and adequate

time resolution for measuring NADH changes in the long-duration high [K+]ext experiments. Continuous scanning was this website possible during the afferent stimulation experiments as they occurred Ibrutinib nmr over a shorter time frame.

SR-101 and BCECF epifluorescence were separated by a dichroic mirror reflecting wavelengths below 575 nm. The BCECF signal was collected with an external PMT detector after passing through a 535 nm (30 nm band pass) emission filter, while SR-101 was collected by a separate PMT after passing through a 630 nm (60 nm band pass) emission filter. For aglycemia experiments, which were done at 30°C, a gradual and steady decrease in baseline fluorescence occurred in control solutions due to the efflux of BCECF. We compensated for the steady dye efflux by normalizing signals to the rate of decrease during baseline as previously described (Beierlein et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2006). Free-floating sections (16 μm horizontal sections) were processed for immunostaining as described previously (Ryu and McLarnon, 2009). The these primary antibodies used for immunostaining were as follows: anti-microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2, Chemicon, 1:2,000), anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, Sigma, 1:2,000), and anti-soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC, R21, 1:1,000). Alexa Fluor 543 anti-mouse or Alexa Fluor 488 anti-rabbit IgG (1:1,000) secondary antibodies (Invitrogen) were used for immunofluorescent staining.

For immunostaining using R21 antibody, rat hippocampal brain sections were pretreated with 0.1% SDS for 5 min at room temperature to denature the protein. As a negative control experiment, primary antibody was omitted during the immunostaining. For preabsorption of R21 antibody, 2× volume of blocking peptide was added to the aliquot of R21 antibody (200× ratio peptide:ab in a molar basis), then incubated overnight at 4°C with a gentle orbital shaking. Then, the subsequent preabsorbed antibody was used for immunohistochemistry. Adult wild-type or Sacytm1Lex/Sacytm1Lex male mice were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (150 mg/kg), perfused with 3.75% acrolein and 2% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, and processed for electron microscopy as previously described (Mitterling et al., 2010).

However, social support and the presence of strong social relatio

However, social support and the presence of strong social relationships play an important role in both men and women. In both genders, social support and social experiences are associated with reduced impact of stress on the body, as measured by HPA

activity, sympathetic activity and metabolism (Seeman et al., 2002). At this time, there are a number of challenges to our understanding of resilience and vulnerability to stress in females. There is a relative lack of social stress models in which individual differences in females have been observed. Little is known about whether the same kinds of behaviors define resilience and vulnerability in stressed females as they do in males. Finally, whether the same mechanisms influence vulnerability and resilience in females as they

do in males is not known. In terms of mechanisms, MDV3100 chemical structure a good place to start would be to look at the individual differences in the mechanisms that underlie the sex difference in responses to stress. This includes work demonstrating that gonadal hormones regulate HPA responses to stress (Goel et al., 2014) and that alterations in trafficking and internalization of the CRF1 receptor on locus coeruleus neurons of females may promote activity of the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system (Bangasser et al., 2013). This type of work will be crucial in advancing our understanding of resilience and vulnerability in female individuals.

Peer relationships are the primary source of life stressors in adolescent BIBW2992 nmr boys and girls though there are striking sex differences (Hankin et al., 2007). Adolescent girls report higher levels of stress associated with their friendships, report more negative life events and experience more distress when such negative life events occur (Hankin et al., 2007). 17–23 year old females (adolescents/young adults) exhibit enhanced salivary cortisol responses to social rejection whereas males exhibit enhanced responses to challenges to their achievement next (Stroud et al., 2002). These differences between adolescent boys and girls are important because peer socialization is key to the development of normal social behavior later in life. Furthermore, the sex difference in rates of depression, in hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) responsivity to stress and anxiety-related behaviors emerges during adolescence. In adolescents as in adults, there is a strong link between depression and stressful life events with a stressful life event often preceding an episode of depression (Hankin, 2006, Garber, 2006 and Miller, 2007). The sex difference in rates of depression and in anxiety-related behaviors emerges during adolescence, around 14–15 years of age in humans (Eberhart et al., 2006) and about 50% of depressed adolescents exhibit major depression into adulthood (Miller, 2007).

4A) and treatments

4A) and treatments Palbociclib cell line (data not shown). However, reduction of APOE mRNA levels in response to atorvastatin was more pronounced

in women carrying ɛ3ɛ3 genotypes (57% of mean reduction) than in ɛ3ɛ4 genotype carriers (33% of mean reduction) ( Fig. 4B). Lipid-lowering effects of both HT and statins have been previously described in postmenopausal hypercholesterolemic women [17] and [18]. Moreover, association of both drugs has not demonstrated additional benefits over statin monotherapy in improving lipid profile and consequently in prevention of cardiovascular events [17] and [19]. However, this study did not aim to evaluate the lipid lowering effect of these drugs due to the small

sample size. Therefore this work focused mainly in the analysis of molecular mechanisms regulating APOE expression and their relation with response to treatments. Relative frequencies of APOE alleles observed in this work were similar to early studies, which European descendant populations were analyzed [20] and [21], even those reported APOE allele frequencies in Brazilian BI 6727 research buy European descendant samples that studied total population [22] and [23] and only women [10] and [15] (ɛ2 allele: 0.04–0.08; ɛ3 allele: 0.70–0.83; and ɛ4 allele: 0.11–0.23). Several studies have evaluated the impact of apoE isoforms on basal serum lipids and, despite some controversial data that reported no differences on LDL cholesterol levels among APOE genotypes in hypercholesterolemic individuals [22] and [24], ɛ2 allele is classically associated with lower total and LDL cholesterol and apoB whereas ɛ4 allele Oxymatrine has demonstrated to have opposite effects in comparison with the common allele ɛ3 [9]. These differences could be explained by structural and biophysical properties of apoE isoforms [25]. Influence of APOE genotypes on basal

serum lipids was also evaluated in postmenopausal women. HT nonuser women carrying ɛ4 alelle had higher LDL cholesterol than women with ɛ3 or ɛ2 alelles [10]. In our study, no differences on basal lipids or lipid-change after treatments according to APOE genotypes, however association of genotypes with plasma lipids and response was not the primary objective of this study, because the limited sample analyzed that was meanly focused in expression analysis. The small size of the sample is an important limitation of our study, which could restrict the power of statistical inference tests and then to hide possible associations between genotypes and basal plasma lipids or response to pharmaceutical interventions. Conclusions from studies that investigated interaction between APOE genotypes and response to HT and statins in postmenopausal women remain controversial. Concerning HT response, whereas Tsuda et al.

Altogether, the results indicate that neuromodulators (1) do not

Altogether, the results indicate that neuromodulators (1) do not simply shift the “voltage-dependence” of LTP/D induction, but rather control LTP and LTD in a pull-push manner: promoting one polarity while suppressing the other one; and (2) this regulation is not neurotransmitter specific: selleck screening library two different Gq11-coupled receptors promoted LTD and suppressed LTP, whereas two Gs-coupled receptors promoted LTP and suppressed LTD. Adrenergic receptors might control the induction of plasticity by changing the recruitment of NMDA receptors through changes

in cell excitability and inhibition (Fuenzalida et al., 2007, Liu et al., 2006, Moore et al., 2009 and Tully et al., 2007). To evaluate the contribution of changes in excitability (Hardingham et al., 2008) in the suppression of LTP and LTD we recorded excitatory synaptic currents (EPSCs) with blockers of Na+, K+, and Ih in the pipette, and using low stimulation intensity to prevent (Hardingham et al., 2008) the recruitment of GABAergic response (see Figure S2). Under these experimental conditions, methoxamine still suppressed LTP (F(2,18) = 8.30, p = 0.0026) and isoproterenol still suppressed LTD (F(2,18) = 25.72, p < 0.0001) (Figure S2), indicating that these effects are independent of changes in fast IPSCs or voltage-dependent

conductances. Next we evaluated the possibility that the suppression of LTP and LTD resulted from agonist-induced postsynaptic changes in NMDAR function (Ji et al., 2008 and Liu et al., 2006). We confirmed that isoproterenol enhances Autophagy inhibitor clinical trial and methoxamine reduces the amplitude of the NMDAR-mediated synaptic currents (Figures S3A and S3B) without affecting the voltage dependence (Figure S3D). Importantly, in both cases the NMDAR-mediated returned to baseline values within 15 min of washing out the drugs (100.2% ± 0.6% after Iso, n = 15,4, p = 0.163; 100.5% ± 1.9% after methoxamine, n = 16,5, p = 0.334)

(Figure S3). We took advantage of this reversibility and applied the LTP/D inducing pairings at least 15 min after washing out the agonists, when NMDAR responses are back to normal. below To prevent rundown of plasticity the drugs were applied and washed out before breaking the seal to start the whole-cell recordings (Figure 3A). As shown in Figures 3B–3D, LTD was suppressed when the pairing was performed 23.5 ± 2.7 min after washing out isoproterenol (F(3,20) = 124.92, p < 0.0001), and LTP was suppressed in cells pretreated (18.9 ± 3.0 min before pairing) with methoxamine (F(3,20) = 197.78, p < 0.0001). These results indicate that (1) each receptor primes synapses into a prolonged suppressive state of LTP or LTD that outlasts the changes in NMDAR function; and (2) the acute changes in NMDAR are not necessary for the suppression of LTP and LTD.

The provider can outsource certain aspects of these requirements

The provider can outsource certain aspects of these requirements but remains responsible. In the development of the check details quality criteria, the working group came to strong consensus on three guiding

principles. First, individuals should have access to adequate and sufficient information to make an informed decision about health checks. Therefore, the criteria specify what constitutes adequate information and informed consent (domains 1 and 2), and what topics need to be covered (domains 3 to 7). Second, the quality criteria should improve beneficence in prevention and early detection of health risks and disease and protect individuals against potential adverse consequences (maleficence) of health checks. Because it is impossible to define specific requirements for the minimum predictive ability of the test or the availability of treatment options that apply to all health checks, we propose that the interpretation of the test and subsequent recommendations should be in line with health care standards or professional

guidelines. In particular, the working group agreed selleck that access to health care should be based on and restricted to tests and test results that meet protocols and professional standards that are used in the health care system. After all, physicians need to know how to handle the results of health checks and provide the best, and evidence-based, follow-up of the results. And third, the criteria should ensure the quality of the health checks in the broadest sense. This principle led to the inclusion of specific criteria about the quality of the service and Edoxaban the establishment of management systems to ensure the quality, safety and information security (domain 8). In the development of the criteria, the unnecessary use of valuable health care resources was a major concern. Health tests that have poor predictive ability or reliability yield high numbers of false positives and unnecessary follow-up consultations, and health checks for conditions that infrequently give symptoms lead to overdiagnosis

and overtreatment (Bangma et al., 2007 and Reid et al., 1998). Individual clients might consider these consequences acceptable, but flawed health tests put a considerable burden on the health care system when the use of health checks increases. Studies have shown that health checks may increase the number of diagnoses for chronic diseases and increased use in medication for high blood pressure with no impact on morbidity and mortality (Krogsboll et al., 2012). The quality criteria for health checks were developed on the basis of existing criteria and guidelines, such as the widely used Wilson and Jungner criteria for population based screening (Wilson and Jungner, 1968) and the ACCE framework for the evaluation of genomic tests (Haddow and Palomaki, 2003). They largely overlap, but differ in details due to the differences in aims and scope.